Rooibos tea has gained fame because of its beneficial and invigorating effect on the human body.
Rooibos tea is the best tea for strengthening the body’s immunity, i.e. for better immunity and blood count, and against flu / colds / viruses (especially in combination with the mixture “Tea for respiratory tracts” from Split Tea House).
Rooibos got its popular name “mother’s miracle” because it stimulates the work of the mammary glands for nursing mothers / young mothers and eliminates the most severe forms of colic / colic for babies (especially in combination with fennel).
Rooibos tea – a healthy and natural “energy drink” full of vitamins (vitamin C predominates ) and minerals (iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, manganese), of which iron predominates. Charge your “batteries” and recover lost energy, both at work and in your private life!
It is an ideal drink for spring and summer – a real summer refreshment and healthy and cold “Ice tea” – iced tea.
Its most valued feature is that it is gentle on the stomach and excellent for stimulating digestion. It is absolutely free of theine (caffeine) and is therefore suitable for all population groups, especially for pregnant women against nausea and for nursing mothers related to the calming of indigestion in babies (spasms / colic).
It also favors people with weaker immunity who suffer from various allergies.
Rooibos tea also contains a mineral (alpha-hydroxy) which is great as help with problematic skin (acne / pimples / pimples, dermatitis, irritated skin, rash in babies due to diapers), i.e. for teenagers and others, it improves the complexion either by consumption or by applying it to the face / skin as a tonic. For an even stronger effect to cleanse problematic skin, rooibos tea and nettle mixed together give exceptional results.
The big advantage of rooibos tea is that it can be left for 24 hours, it does not lose its quality makes it an ideal daily drink, especially in summer when it fantastically solves the problem of thirst (“Ice tea” – ice tea), naturally replaces the lack of vitamins and minerals in excessive sweating (especially for athletes and recreational people – for exercise), accelerates the body’s recovery and is excellent when diet for weight loss (e.g. diet) is carried out because rooibos tea does not contain calories.o