Teas and weight loss, without diets - Tea House Split
S zadovoljstvom ističemo da kupci Kuće čaja Split imaju privilegiju uživati u čajevima vrhunske kvalitete preko jednog od najvećih Europskih dobavljača čajeva iz Njemačke.
Međunarodni certifikati za sigurnost i kvalitetu hrane – naši čajevi posjeduju neke od najcjenjenijih.
House of tea Split - the world of tea in one place!
Types of teas offered by our House of Tea (free sale) are: green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, rooibos tea, fruit tea, black tea, pu-erh tea as well as medicinal herbs< /strong> while in the preparation of tea you can use our extremely high quality teaware as well as tea accessories choosing between green, white, yellow or many other teas in our offer (free sale).